North Tyneside Council: Children, Education and Skills Sub-committee

Archived agendas and minutes for North Tyneside Council meetings, from 2000 through 2017.
Archive home
2015-10-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-10-2015 - Agenda
2015-10-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-10-2015 - Minutes
2015-10-19 Item 5 - Careers Champions
2015-10-19 Item 6 - Ready for Work and Life
2015-10-19 Item 7 - Troubled Families Update Report
2015-10-19 Item 8 - Creating a Brighter Future programme progress report
2015-11-16 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 16-11-2015 - Agenda
2015-11-16 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 16-11-2015 - Minutes
2015-11-16 Item 5 - North Tyneside Safeguarding Children Board's Annual Report 2014-15
2015-11-16 Item 6 - Attainment and Progress of Disadvantaged Pupils Report
2015-11-16 Item 7- Child Sexual Exploitation Update
2015-11-16 Item 8 - Report of the Child Sexual Exploitation Sub Group
2015-11-16 Item 9 - Establishment of a Sub Group on ADHD
2016-01-18 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 18-01-2016 - Agenda
2016-01-18 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 18-01-2016 - Minutes
2016-01-18 Item 5 - North Tyneside Learning Trust
2016-01-18 Item 6 - Children and Young People's Plan progress report
2016-02-15 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 15-02-2016 - Agenda
2016-02-15 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 15-02-2016 - Minutes
2016-02-15 Item 5 - Young Women and STEM update
2016-02-15 Item 6 - Creating a Brighter Future Programme progress report
2016-02-15 Item 7 - Transforming Children and Young People's Services in North Tyneside
2016-02-15 Item 8 - Additional information on Child Sexual Exploitation Report response from Cabinet.
2016-02-15 Item 8 - Child Sexual Exploitation Sub Group Report - response from Cabinet
2016-03-21 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 21-03-2016 - Minutes
2016-03-21 Item 5 - Troubled Families Programme Update
2016-03-21 Item 6 - Attaiment and Progress of Disadvantaged Pupils Update
2016-03-21 Item 7 - Child Sexual Exploitation Update
2016-06-20 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 20-06-2016 - Agenda
2016-06-20 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 20-06-2016 - Minutes
2016-06-20 Item 10 - Special Educational Needs and Disability Services Inspections
2016-06-20 Item 5 - Commencement time for and dates of meeting for the year ahead
2016-06-20 Item 6 - Children Education and Skills Sub-committee proposed work programme 2016-17
2016-06-20 Item 8 - Attainment of Looked After Children
2016-06-20 Item 9 - Children and Young People's Plan 2014-18 Update
2016-07-18 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 18-07-2016 - Agenda
2016-07-18 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 18-07-2016 - Minutes
2016-07-18 Item 5 - Work programme 2016-17
2016-07-18 Item 6 - Child Sexual Exploitation update
2016-07-18 Item 7 - Elective Home Educationtem 6 - Child Sexual Exploitation update
2016-09-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-09-2016 - Agenda
2016-09-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-09-2016 - Minutes
2016-09-19 Item 5 - Provision of Careers Education in Schools
2016-09-19 Item 6 - Principal Social Worker report
2016-10-17 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 17-10-2016 - Agenda
2016-10-17 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 17-10-2016 - Minutes
2016-10-17 Item 6 - appendix 1 - ADHD Sub Group Report
2016-10-17 Item 6- ADHD Sub Group cover report
2016-10-17 Item 7 - Early Help and Integrated Locality Teams
2016-11-21 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 21-11-2016 - Agenda
2016-11-21 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 21-11-2016 - Minutes
2016-11-21 Item 5 - Education Attainment and Progress Report
2016-11-21 Item 6 - North Tyneside Safeguarding Children Board's Annual Report 2015-16
2016-11-21 Item 7 - Child Sexual Exploitation Update
2016-11-21 Item 8 - Corporate Parenting Plan
2017-01-23 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 23-01-2017 - Agenda
2017-01-23 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 23-01-2017 - Minutes
2017-01-23 Item 5 - National Education Policy
2017-01-23 Item 6 - Children and Young People's Plan update
2017-01-23 Item 7 - Dyslexia Services
2017-01-23 Item 8 - Work Programme 2016-17
2017-01-23 Item 8 - Work Programme 2016-17 Additional information
2017-02-20 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 20-02-2017 - Agenda
2017-02-20 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 20-02-2017 - Minutes
2017-02-20 Item 5 - Apprenticeships Update Report
2017-06-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-06-2017 - Agenda
2017-06-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-06-2017 - Minutes
2017-06-19 Item 6 - Children and Young People's Plan update
2017-06-19 Item 7 - Additional Information
2017-07-17 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 17-07-2017 - Agenda
2017-07-17 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 17-07-2017 - Minutes
2017-09-19 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-09-2017 - Agenda
2017-09-19Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 19-09-2017 - Minutes
2017-10-16 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 16-10-2017 - Agenda
2017-10-16 Children Education and Skills Sub-Committee 16-10-2017 - Minutes
2017-10-16 Item 5 - NT Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2016-17