North Tyneside Council: North Tyneside Schools Forum

Archived agendas and minutes for North Tyneside Council meetings, from 2000 through 2017.
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2015-10-14 114-10-2015 - APPENDIX A - Scheme for Financing Schools updates
2015-10-14 14-10-2015 - Agenda
2015-10-14 14-10-2015 - Mainstream Funding Formula consultation
2015-10-14 14-10-2015 - Minutes
2015-10-14 14-10-2015 - Summary of Decisions
2015-10-14 14-10-2015 - Update on the Scheme for Financing Schools
2015-10-14 16-09-2015 - Minutes
2015-12-09 009-12-2015 - High Needs Appendix 2
2015-12-09 009-12-2015 - High Needs Appendix 3
2015-12-09 009-12-2015 - High Needs Appendix 4
2015-12-09 009-12-2015 - High Needs Appendix 5
2015-12-09 009-12-2015 - High Needs Appendix 6
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - Agenda
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - Centrally retained and dedelegated items
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - Early Years Block
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - High Needs Block
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - HR Resource Review Analysis
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - Update from Headroom subgroup
2015-12-09 09-12-2015 - Update from School Procurement Officer
2015-12-09 14-10-2015 - Minutes
2016-01-13 09-12-2015 - Minutes
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - 2015-16 Falling rolls and Headroom
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - 2016-17 Early Years Block
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - 2016-17 settlement centrally retained and dedelegated items
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - 2016-17 settlement centrally retained and dedelegated items - ADDENDUM
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - Agenda
2016-01-13 13-01-2016 - Educational Psychology Update
2016-03-16 13-01-2016 - Minutes
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Agenda
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Capital & Investment plan appendix
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Capital & Investment plan update
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - DSG & Schools Revenue Monitoring
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Forward Plan
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Headroom and Falling Rolls provisional funding allocations
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - Legislative update - National Funding Formula consultation
2016-03-16 16-03-2016 - SEN Review progress update
2016-07-13 13-07-2016 - Agenda
2016-07-13 13-07-2016 - Projected 2016-17 School balances & DSG 2015-16 outturn
2016-07-13 13-07-2016 - Responsibilities for redundancy & early retirement costs - update
2016-07-13 18-05-2016 - Minutes
2016-08-18 16-03-2016 - Minutes
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - 2015-16 Schools Outturn and Headroom
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - Agenda
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - Consultation responses
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - Consultation responses Appendix A - High Needs Response
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - Consultation responses Appendix B - National Funding Formula response
2016-08-18 18-05-2016 - Scheme for Financing Schools - responsibilities and early retirement costs - update
2016-09-21 13-07-2016 - Minutes
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - 2017-18 Centrally retained & De-delegated items
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - 2017-18 Early Years Funding Formula
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - 2017-18 Early Years Funding Formula consultation reponse
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - 2017-18 Mainstream school funding formula
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - Agenda
2016-09-21 21-09-2016 - School Balances
2016-10-12 12-10-2016 - Agenda
2016-10-12 12-10-2016 - Centrally retained & De-delegted items
2016-10-12 21-09-2016 - Minutes
2016-11-16 116-11-2016 - EY School Improvement Service Presentation
2016-11-16 12-10-2016 - Minutes
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - Agenda
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - Education Improvement Partnership
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - Educational Psychology Update
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - High Needs SEND Provision and Emerging Funding Pressures for 2017-18
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - Mainstream School funding 2017-18 Presentation
2016-11-16 16-11-2016 - School Improvement EMTAS Presentation
2016-12-07 07-12-2016 - Agenda
2016-12-07 07-12-2016 - Centrally retained & de-delegated items 2017-18 Headroom deficit & ESG information
2016-12-07 07-12-2016 - Educational Psychology Addendum
2016-12-07 07-12-2016 - EY Funding Formula 2017-18
2016-12-07 07-12-2016 - Update from School Procurement Officer
2016-12-07 16-11-2016 - Minutes
2017-01-11 07-12-2016 - Minutes
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - 2016-17 Falling rolls and Headroom
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - Agenda
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - Early Years Funding 2017-18
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - High Needs Funding 2017-18
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - National Funding Formula consultation Stage 2
2017-01-11 11-01-2017 - School Funding 2017-18 incl centrally retained and dedelegated items
2017-03-08 08-03-2017 - Agenda
2017-03-08 08-03-2017 - DSG & Schools Revenue Monitoring update
2017-03-08 08-03-2017 - Education Capital Investment Update
2017-03-08 08-03-2017 - Education Capital Investment Update - Appendix 1
2017-03-08 08-03-2017 - Headroom & Falling rolls provisional funding allocations
2017-03-08 11-01-2017 - Minutes
2017-05-17 08-03-2017 - Minutes
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - 2016-17 Schools Outturn and Headroom
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - Agenda
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - Appendix A NFF consultation response
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - Appendix B High Needs consultation response
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - Forward Plan
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - NFF & High Needs Consultation responses
2017-05-17 17-05-2017 - Schools and Early Years Finance Regulations 2017
2017-05-1717-05-2017 - Update to constitution
2017-07-12 12-07-2017 - Agenda
2017-07-12 12-07-2017 - Projected 2017-18 School balances & DSG 2016-17 outturn
2017-07-12 12-07-2017 - Services in Receipt of Funding
2017-07-12 12-07-2017 - Updated 2017-18 Forward Plan
2017-07-12 17-05-2017 - Minutes
2017-09-13 13-09-2017 - Agenda
2017-11-15 12-07-2017 - Minutes
2017-11-15 13-09-2017 - 2018-19 Mainstream Funding Formula
2017-11-15 13-09-2017 - Minutes
2017-11-15 13-09-2017 - School Balances
2017-11-15 15-11-2017 - Agenda
2017-11-15 15-11-2017 - Mainstream Schools Funding Formula 2018-19 Consultation
2017-11-15 15-11-2017 - National Funding Formula updates